Day July 9, 2024

How Much Does a Divorce Cost?

Like many things in the law, the answer is, it depends. There are three main types of divorce our practice encounters; uncontested, amicable and contested. Uncontested divorces are the quickest, simplest and usually the healthiest for families. In an uncontested divorce,…

Equine Issues Which Involve Prompt Decisions

Equine law touches many different aspects of civil law: contract law, property law, personal injury among others. Equine laws varied nature requires an advocate experienced in litigation and knowledge of the law but also understands the complexities and intricacies of the equine…

What Constitutes a Valid Marriage in Georgia

Under O.C.G.A. § 19-3-1, a valid marriage in Georgia requires only that (1) the Parties are able to contract; (2) the parties have an actual contract; and (3) the parties consummate the marriage according to law. Further, Georgia law states…

USEF Clarification On Amateurs*

USEF Clarification on Amateurs with Boarding Barns* I am an attorney and I am confused as to what is and isn’t allowed to maintain an “amateur status” if one owns a boarding stable. I asked the source, and here were…

Attorney’s Fees in Family Law Litigation

In the United States, attorney’s fees are not automatically granted to a prevailing party in litigation.  Known as the “American Rule,” this rule requires that each party is responsible for their own attorney’s fees incurred, unless otherwise granted by statutory…